Current Families

Welcome back!

The journey continues!

Let us know how we can support — email us at


Parent Dashboard

Access your family's information, and more

On your Parent Dashboard, you can:

  • Register your participant for an upcoming in-person event.
  • Update your contact info.
  • Update who is allowed to pick up your participant.
  • Change your password.
  • Complete forms.

The App

Use our custom app at least three days a week

All Connor Kids Academy participants commit to engaging at least three days a week on our app. The app is very important to success in the Academy, so we prioritize responding quickly to your app-related questions or comments. You'll usually hear back from us the same day or next day. Email us at

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Our Events

One-of-a-kind events designed exclusively for Connor Kids Academy

We bring our participants together for 3 events each year:

  1. Summer sports camp (June, July, or August)
  2. Fall event (October, November, or December)
  3. Spring event (March or April)

It is important to check your email so you know when our events are coming up. You must register for each event individually. We look forward to seeing your family soon!